
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The photo of Chilapata forest

A few weeks back I received a mail from an agency on behalf of the West Bengal Toursim Department.

They wanted to purchase one of my photos of Chilapata forest in the dooars that was clicked from a moving vehicle when we visited the pristine forest earlier this year.I was informed that they spotted that photo from my online Flickr photo-stream.
I was pleasantly surprised and obviously happy.

I never knew anybody either in that agency or the tourism department.
I agreed to the offer and transferred the image after making the necessary editing (with the help of my photographer friend Apratim)

I visited the Travel and Tourism Expo(TTE2010) at the Netaji Indoor stadium on Saturday the 17th July 2010.

The theme at the WB Tourism's Beautiful Bengal Pavilion this year was Dooars.
Initially I could not recognize my photo at all!!!

It was a huge 12'X15' blow up on flex and was placed just on the back of the stage infront of which the folk artists were performing.
It was a mixed feeling.For a moment I was extremely happy to see a photo clicked by me displayed so prominently in front of the whole world.The next moment I felt sad that the photo is not mine anymore. That afternoon, that whispering moment became blurred in my mind and seemed lost with thousands of people around and with the addition of some characters in my photo.
I clicked a few photos of that photo with my mobile camera and quietly came out.

Later I realised that this can happen in any creation, any art form. After writing a story, after painting a portrait,after performing on stage or even singing a song the product of creation becomes a property of the reader, viewer, spectator or listener. From that very moment the writer, painter, actor or singer ceases to remain the owner or it. This is natural. There is no sorrow or melancholy attached to it. The situation is often equated when the daughter gets married and leaves the parental house forever.That moment is equally an eternal moment of joy and sadness. That exactly happened here.I am happy and sad at the same time.

I am happy that my humble photography got some recognition, sad because it is not my child anymore.

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