DERMACON 2010 was held in Lucknow this year. This was my first visit to the city.
I was mesmerized. It was love at first sight. The newer pasrts of Lucknow are awesome with wide and clean roads and flyovers. Parks are, though impressive, smells of autocracy.
Under a grey British sky, the temperature was just few degrees above freezing point. Art Huntley was one of the invited speakers. So were Dr. Ortonne, Torello Lotti ,Robin Graham Brown, Howard Maibach.
We will remember the afternoon at Dr. Ahmed Zaheer's ancestral place Aliya Manzil on the Rana Pratap Marg. Raj and Asha Kubba, Martin Black were there among others.
This was a personal and private invitation.
Gazal was tantalizing. Kebabs were unworldly. Kali Gazar ki Halua was a revealation.
Will take long to erase the memory of that cold afternoon wrapped with pure and heart warming Lucknowi Tehjeeb, Nafasat, Nazakat, Takaluf and Latafat.
BULLS are better than BEARS